Innovation Key to Reaching the Sustainable Development Goals
Innovation will help us achieve our Sustainable Development Goals COVID-19 pandemic has compounded the slow progress of achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. …
Innovation will help us achieve our Sustainable Development Goals COVID-19 pandemic has compounded the slow progress of achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. …
Individuals, organizations and governments are making real progress in battling the climate crisis. Pledging to reduce carbon emissions and investing in renewable energy are some …
Am 30.11. und 01.12.2020 hat Thomas Falk am Digital-Gipfel 2020 des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie teilgenommen. Der Digital-Gipfel ist die zentrale Plattform zur gemeinsamen …
Am 25.11.2020 nahm Thomas Falk am 4. Hessischen Innovationskongress (HIK2020 digital) teil. Der Kongress stand unter dem Motto „HIK2020 DIGITAL: WIE? Wandel intelligent ermöglichen“, das …