7 Traits of Highly Successful Digital Leaders (Gartner)

7 Traits of Highly Successful Digital Leaders (Gartner)

To lead successful digital business transformations, leaders must also transform themselves. Consider these traits that differentiate successful digital leaders.

Those traits are:

No. 1: Digital leaders are neophiliacs
No. 2: Digital leaders invent, but also copy
No. 3: Digital leaders eschew industry boundaries
No. 4: Digital leaders appreciate that innovation is more than just creativity
No. 5: Digital leaders build teams with high AQ (Adversity Quotient)
No. 6: Digital leaders never consider digital to be the outcome
No. 7: Digital leaders geek out on technology and so do their people

Find out more at https://www.gartner.com/smarterwithgartner/7-traits-of-highly-successful-digital-leaders/?source=BLD-200123&utm_medium=social&utm_source=bambu&utm_campaign=SM_GB_YOY_GTR_SOC_BU1_SM-BA-SWG-OC-KA